23 March 2009

go on


go today, go tomorrow, but just go

make my world a part of yours
wish it true
be it true
flash forward
protect your right to speak
say what you think
but keep your balance

20 March 2009

sunday scribblings

for sunday scribblings, "where do YOU come from"
*this seemed appropriate this week, so for my nan, may god watch over and keep her*

those who came before her
she comes from the strength of them
that group of sturdy women
long lives and long memories
happiness and sadness
she longs to be like her nan
remembering the good
not the bad
making a smile
or a slymischievous grin
a wink
nimble hands up through her 101st year
she moves to a faster beat now
in the light watching over all of us

unconscious mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Sunburn :: painful
  2. Aquarium :: baltimore, md
  3. Otter :: pops
  4. Awesome :: amazing concert
  5. LOL :: those dumb cats
  6. Accordion :: tiny tim
  7. Hot Pocket :: nasty
  8. Grandstand :: drag racing
  9. Shaved :: clean
  10. Upgrade :: fios

10 March 2009

days gone by

watching arsenic and old lace
laughing over the comic gags
cary grant's typical funny faces
the hollywood heart throb
long gone
still remembered
he makes us smile
brightens our day

07 March 2009


"trust and responsibility"
he regarded her aloofness. her manner had changed and he was unable to pin-point what it was that was new. she looked the same.
she smelled the same, probably better even. but she was distant and pushed away from him, as though protected by a bubble of safety. she flashed green eyes at him and he smiled. her guard dropped that quickly, for just a moment, only to return when she saw his smile.
suddenly he realised it, a light bulb moment as his son would say. "she doesn't trust you idiot, you haven't proved yourself to her yet," he thought.
