06 December 2008

sunday scribblings - tradition

snowflakes fall on her eyelashes
she looks out among the nameless faces
shoppers and holiday seekers
she walks solemnly to the end of the road
she looks right then left
breath catches in her throat
it has all come before her
this one time this one place
the darkness and cold
they suck her back into another time
another place
she feels obligated to return to this chilly place
a sad tradition of sorts
a memory to share within herself
to remember, never to forget
places the single white rose
runs her hand along the gash
over the cool metal post
oblivious to the glaring car lights
the great crush of the crowd surrounds her
she wills herself back to present
brushes tears from her cheeks
and walks on

for sunday scribblings #140  - tradition


  1. A "sad tradion of sorts". Yes, remembering loss, projected back to that moment while visiting the site of the tragedy. Even a sign, the gash in the post, to remind. You took me back there with you.

  2. Very powerful images and feelings evoked in this poem. I could feel the pain and sadness.

  3. wow, this is so sad and unfortunately so real for so many who've lost someone tragically.
    so nicely written.

  4. Great images!
    "...the darkness and cold
    they suck her back into another time
    another place..."
    Powerful words!

  5. Very sad and very evocative. I like the sense of emptiness that is conveyed, and the way you dull the surroundings to make them secondary to the subject at hand.

  6. A very sad tradition, beautifully expressed.

  7. sad but it's the emotion which has really given the poem its depth here. besides, i love sad pieces :) they feel much more real. the imagery works as well, overwhelming the senses.

  8. Each line brought forth feelings of sadness. I felt the chill.

  9. Terrific images and I'm shivering from the build-up and emotional tension.


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